Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

On the Broads

I had to drop W at the station in Norwich this morning so then decided to head off to the Norfolk Wildlife Trust reserve at Ranworth.  It is situated between two Broads*, Ranworth Broad and Malthouse Broad, and is a small wetland habitat.  It's not very big, but is a lovely peaceful place to walk around and see water birds.  This morning I spotted a family of Grebes, Cormorants, and a Greater Spotted Woodpecker as well as the usual ducks etc.

Ranworth Broad is designated as a nature reserve so no boating is allowed, but boats cross the end of it on their way in and out of Malthouse Broad.  This sailing boat was heading off for a day on the rivers.

* For the benefit of any non-UK blippers I should explain that 'Broads' in this respect have nothing to do with the female cast of a 1930's/40's Edward G Robinson or Humphrey Bogart film.  They are ancient peat workings that have subsequently flooded and are now used for wildlife or leisure purposes.  Anyone coming over to see the Norfolk Broads and expecting anything other than a boating holiday would be sadly disappointed.

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