
By RadioGirl


I spent a fair bit of today on the road though, especially this afternoon, there often wasn’t much travelling happening.

I went over to my sister’s for lunch, and while I was there I received an email from Dunelm to say that the dishes and curtains I ordered were ready to collect from the Chelmsford store. I thought it would be a good idea to call in after leaving Susan’s, as Chelmsford is on the way home. I put on the SatNav, and got there okay. While browsing I also found some really good quality curtains which might suit the lounge. I picked up the ordered goods and got back in the car. I don’t know Chelmsford at all, but it was a mistake to rely on the SatNav. It took me right through the very centre of the city in the rush hour, with many hold-ups at countless roundabouts and traffic lights. When I finally got near the A12 there was a diversion due to long-running roadworks. Aaaarrrrggghh! I reached home hot and frazzled. Anyway, the cereal bowls are perfect and the curtains are the right colour for the second bedroom, so I’ll put those up tomorrow afternoon.

I scratched my head a bit thinking of a travel-related blip. However I’ve been meaning to feature my helicopter which was modelled from a wire coat hanger, complete with rotor blades and tail rotor which actually turn round and round with a handle. So here it is. I bought it years ago from a curio shop in Berkhamsted and it’s something I won’t be parting with.

Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting W-I-D-E on Wednesday, with this week’s theme of ‘travel’.

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