
By MarilynParker

Not a great photo!

I know it's a poor photo but I only had a moment to snap it. I have seen so few butterflies and moths this year.
A very bitty, hanging around day. I went to the hairdresser's for a wash, cut and blow-dry this morning, then to Mum's for a visit. I went home for lunch then ran Terry to town for his eye tests.
Next I was planning to check on 2 of my geocaches and sadly, I had forgotten to bring replacements if needed so nipped home for those first. Only one needed replacing but I swapped the container on the other. I then had a little walk in Queen's Park but my heart wasn't in it. I was thinking I'd go home but then decided to nip in Asda for some vintage cheddar (Tesco has not had it for a while) and bought a couple of other things while there. 
At this point I wondered if it would be worth hanging around for Terry rather than go home when he'd probably ring me to collect him as soon as I got in. I had tried phoning him to no joy. 
Drove around a little looking for a free parking spec not far from where I pick him up and soon he rang me.
It rained on and off most of the morning and heavy at times - the forecast yesterday had said it would clear up around 6am or not long after - well it didn't clear up till mid afternoon!
4 footballs in our back garden after tea. He seems to have an endless supply. I have not heard or seen anyone playing football next door so I think the boy is just chucking them over for fun now. The goal net is huge - can he really miss so badly, so many times?!

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