
By Wildwood


The sun rises in the morning and shines straight into the living room where we sit in the drinking our coffee and reading the paper. It also highlights the mounds of dog hair across a swath of floor. Not, mind you, that I am complaining for it only lasts a few minutes, but we do have to move out of our habitual seats for the duration. And, although we do have a lot of birds, the one in this shot is inside and part of a mobile that is hanging in front of the window.

I didn't have a chance to take another picture as the Moore guys returned to finish the pipe work under the house and the rat patrol came for their monthly and declare the space under the house 'looking good'. I have a new theory regarding the rats which is that they are able to get under the porch deck and scratch at a vent from the outside and perhaps even die under there as we have had a mysterious infestation of flies. It could also just be the fact that the workers have been going in and out of the doors all day. It's too bad that the only access to the crawl space is through a hatch in our bedroom closet, but I told them they could use the back stairs and come through the bedroom door without having to come through the house which helped. We kept the bedroom door closed because we didn't want Spike to fall through the open hatch. 

It's not as if they were invisible though. Far from it as the jackhammer sounds from under the house kept us constantly aware of their presence. It's a horrible place to work...cramped and hot. They turned the water off so life above the floor was a bit challenging as well. However they have now finished. We probably need to have more insulation put into the attic, but we've had enough for the time being.

I was planning to call the insurance agent to find out what was going on, this morning. I prefer to talk to someone rather than writing, but I have no official phone number for them so I sent a desperation Email. I was looking into alternatives when I was shocked  pleasantly surprised to get a phone call from a nice woman who assured me that we hadn't been forgotten, they were getting a new computer system, things had been 'crazy,' etc. etc. She'll be sending a quote soon.  I'm a lot less grumpy now.

In fact, I think I can actually enjoy my glass of wine this evening, rather than just drinking it prophylactically to ward off even worse grouchiness.
I shouldn't complain about any of this. I don't live in Gaza or Sudan or Central America; I live in comfort in a beautiful place and I am grateful.

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