
By Wildwood

Colorful Abstract

Today Dana and I had a little shopping trip to Montgomery village, our newly (or perhaps ongoing) renovated outdoor shopping center. Since the city fathers of Santa Rosa seem to be doing everything in their power to ruin the downtown, just about any shop that I was likely to go to has either closed or moved to Montgomery Village. And parking is still free.I feel that the combination of the aftermath of Covid and the Internet have conspired to change retail sales quite dramatically. 

Using the internet works really well for some things, but the number of times I was in and out of my clothes this morning is a testament to the fact that clothes have to be tried on. I don't understand how in trying on two pairs of size 27 jeans , one fits and another doesn't. Or I like the way one thing looks yet another item looks awful. 

We spent most of our time in Amour Vert, a shop that has its roots in France and carries classic , traditional designs with just a touch of .je ne sais quois . They were having quite a buy-one-get-one-free sale . I bought a dress and got a sweater free. I've gotten to know the woman who works there and I have always felt that chatting with someone who knows me and knows my taste also makes the whole experience better. Today I had two such consultants, Dana and Emily who works there. 

Dana and I debated having lunch in Montgomery Village, but by the time we had both taken our clothes off numerous times, we were tired and we elected to go home. Now I have to follow my own self imposed rule and figure out which three items from my closet will go to the charity shop before I take the new things out of the bag and put them away.

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