michigan man

By outdoorguy

Wheels on Wednesday...H.R.

On this day of many cars...
which one gets the nod?
The car is orange and has no top, 
and goes by the name of Hot Rod.

"Let me hear that engine,
give us all you've got!"
The mighty roar hurt my ears,
it really is a rod that's hot.

Seen at a local car show.

We had a little scare this afternoon. At about 1 p.m. our power went out, and the power company website said it would not be back on until 6 p.m. on Thursday. Uh oh. 

You immediately start thinking about the food in the fridge and freezer, and whether you should go bunk down at somebody else's house. At 6 p.m. I made Lisa take me out to dinner, and by the time we got home...power was restored.

At the recent car shows, I've been snapping a lot of convertibles, because I like to paint the general shape of the vehicle and put animals inside driving them.

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