
By Appreciation

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Passing down a street in the West End of the city, I was fascinated by all the different doorways. Most doors were closed. The standard seemed to be 2 pot plants on either side of the entrance like sentry guards. Then, there were the multitude of pots cascading down the steps. Many have plastic plants, which I just think is pointless. They don't look nice, and the colour fades quickly from being outside, and they do nothing for the environment or pollinators.

Some doors were open, showing a dull magnolia hallway. This office was my winner. Old fashioned pigeon holes given an artistic touch. Maybe it was actually art, but I like to think of the people, the hands, the crumpled faces that opened these boxes and looked in daily.

An early meeting for us in the city, then a brunch. We looked in a gallery shop window. It always has things that interest me, nice glassware, but it never seems to be open! Pity, because after that meeting I always have an urge for a bit of retail!

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