There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

In Which Hillary and Norgay Make (Milkweed) Summit

When I went out to the milkweed patch on this morning, I looked up to discover that two of our monarch caterpillars, which are HUGE, were both sitting at the top of their respective milkweed plants, side by side. 

I instantly thought: It's Hillary and Norgay! They've made summit! I'm not sure which one was which but I could tell how proud they were to have achieved this lofty goal. 

I couldn't fit them both into a single shot. So here is a picture of one of our hardy adventurers. I'm not sure which one is in this photo. Could be Hillary. Then again, could be Norgay. In any case, good job, well done!

Wait a minute, it looks like somebody (x 2!) is chomping on the mountain top! Hey, leave a little bit of Milkweed Mountain for the next guy/caterpillar, would ya!?  :-)

Our soundtrack song is Miley Cyrus, with The Climb.

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