There Must Be Magic

By GirlWithACamera

After the Rain

It was pretty dry here again for a while. But the afternoon into evening brought us some much needed rain. It was a pretty civilized rain where I am. Points just a bit east and south of us got bunches more (as in, 6 to 7 inches!); enough to cause some trouble.

I walked around our yard with my camera after the rains and this lone Kalahari daisy, aka osteospermum, looked amazing. It almost had enough rain on it to make a private swimming pool for a bug.

In other news, my husband pulled our first two tomatoes from the plants yesterday, and on this morning, we sliced and ate one for breakfast. "Hey, this tastes like a LEE-mater!" he said!

In still other (not so great) news, I'm having some kind of flare-up of what I'm guessing is carpal tunnel on my right wrist. It's been going on for about three days now. The hand grip feels weak and the wrist feels sort of achy; I'm not able to lift much of anything.

I've rubbed it with some stuff, and I put a cold pack on it, and I started doing some exercises that I hope will make it better. Here is a quick list of some things that I've discovered are hard to do or even almost impossible when your dominant hand (for me, right hand) doesn't want to do its thing! (I'm sure you can think of even more!)

Pick up a bottle and pour from it, open or close a lid, turn a light switch on or off, write long-hand with a pen, use my right hand brake on the bike, pick up a heavy dish, do weeding, pull pants etc. up and down for bathroom activities, brush hair, pull or reset a mouse trap, open water bottle, rip open a bag of snacks, turn faucet on or off, pick up my computer, make the bed, cut meat, peel a peach, use soap dispenser, tie or untie shoes, put my watch off and on, zip or unzip a zipper, clip or unclip my hair clip, do floor exercises, wash my hair, squeeze the ketchup, use a stapler, rip an article out of a magazine, turn a door knob, brush my teeth, spray from a spray bottle, carry grocery bags, open or shut a car door, oh and pick up the camera and push its buttons!

The soundtrack song for this blip is Barbra Streisand, with Kiss Me in the Rain.

An update, several days later: the right hand is back in business, as of about Sunday, 9/1!!!! Hooray! Nice to have you back in action, right hand. I really missed you!

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