Keith B

By keibr

Crayfish and Northern Lights

Rose was driving us home from a lovely crayfish evening at Lis and Paco's. It's sort of an annual event but this year was special because Lizzie, Rose's sister, was visiting (extra). Lis had provided lots of Swedish specialities, as well as the crayfish, so Lizzie could experience as much of this late summer festival as possible. 
Rose was the designated driver and as we set off for home shortly after 11 o'clock we saw a clear sky, filled with stars. As we drove I glanced out of the window, looking for the crescent moon, and saw beams of light rising above the tree tops. "Are those northern lights? Wow they are". We drove on looking for a place with fewer trees where we could stop the car safely and see the sky.
The spot we found was on the old road looking over the High Coast bridge which provided us with a bit more than "just" the northern lights for the photography. Here's the picture!
It was the first post-summer viewing of the aurora, and particularly lucky because Lizzie, who lives in the USA had never seen this phenomena before.
Perhaps seeing this is a suitable marker for the end of the real summer. In a couple of days September will be here, Lis and Paco are starting their journey back home to Porto, and Lizzie is headed back to Cincinnati. It's been an interesting summer with lots of good moments, and I'm not quite ready for autumn yet but we have definitely arrived at that "between" season, late summer!

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