Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Twin Lakes

My neighbour and friend is a very keen fisherman, and he's a couple of week off whilst his wife, family and friends are sunning it up in Portugal. He's a member of a local fishing club that have use of Twin Lakes that run alongside the M50 at Ross on Wye, Herefordshire, UK.

I'm not into fishing but I've driven along the M50 for many years and have seen the lakes next to South Herefordshire Golf Club. I accepted Archie's offer to pop and see him fishing, which I did.  

The main aerial photo' is of the first lake which shows the small waterfall that divides them and the M50 on the right of the frame.  The extra is the upper lake with island.  It was good to have eventually seen Twin Lakes up close as it's only fifteen minutes from home. Whilst night fishing he's seen Deer and Owl's amongs the wildlife there.

W-I-D-E on Wednesday Challange Results...

This week's theme is 'travel' and again it was difficult to narrow my choices down but have stuck to the one's I feel best fit the theme. I hope you like some or all.  Thanks to all who tagged blips for the challenge.

1.  Maureen6002                   Tram
2.  LesMark                             Bus & Walkers
3.  Marlieske                            Jet
4.  Commuters                          Commuters
5.  SueJay50                            Body Boarding

Honourable Mentions....

Heanku                                    Tiny Bike
KF                                              row of swans
MollyG                                      Bus & Train
60plus                                      Cycle and Train
ManxShippers                        Horse Tram

Thanks again!  

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