David J. Rose

By djrose007

I don't eat it myself!

Nipped to McDonalds to get the girls something to eat, it's their favourite along with Polis Restaurant in Cyprus where they really got a taste for Greek fayre.
A bit of a queue, which went very quickly, and I could see it was incredibly busy inside so I wasn't surprised when I was asked to 'Park up'.
It was then that I had to wait quite a long time, felt like about 10 minutes (Fast Food huh!) although I didn't time it.
When the young lady came to deliver it to me she said 'Oh, I love your car', I was in the MX-5 with the top down. I wasn't going to be rude to her anyway but I looked at her face and said 'Salamat'. She looked shocked and asked me how did I know 'Salamat'. I told her I worked in Saudi with a load of Filipino engineers. She then asked how I knew she was Filipino to which I replied that she just looked Filipino. 
They do have a look about them rather than other races in that region. A very good looking race in general.
Funnily enough, I'm still in touch with some of those engineers, who are now spread across the globe including the Naval base at Pearl Harbour. 
I left them, in Saudi, in November 1989 so we could return to UK when our son passed the common entrance and secured a place at Sir Thomas Rich's Grammar School.

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