
By NinjaShoe

Hi to Mum

It’s been a busy day (a busy week). Andrew and I drove to Frant for a meeting, and lunch, with Richard and his daughter Annabel of Smartex. Richard is threatening to move to France so we may not get to do this again.

I then dropped off Andrew with Queenie his step-Mum who lives nearby, and went on to see Dad and Jane with a stop off to see Mum’s resting place late afternoon.

It’s been 7 years since Mum died and I still miss her, think about often and wonder what she’d make of things (she would have been sure to tell me). I wish she was still here to share her opinions over a bottle of wine!

I did a bit of tidying up of the memorial stone and took a photo. I kind of liked the way this turned out as it was not at all considered.

Photos in extra of Richard and I, Andrew and Queenie.

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