Pictorial blethers

By blethers

After the deluge ...

We drove home this morning - or, to be exact, Himself drove while I filmed the atrocious weather through which we found ourselves surging. We woke to the sight of the ferry coming into Oban ferry terminal through the mist and rain that a couple of minutes later parted slightly to show sun shining on a hillside on Mull. It was pouring again by the time we were enjoying a large and totally unsuitable breakfast, one of the joys of a stay in the Premier Inn to my mind, but dry at the moment when we emerged into the car park with our stuff. I treated myself to a quick shop (it's Thursday, remember!) in Tesco rather than attempting the Dunoon Morrison's over Cowal Games weekend, and we were off. The rain came and went in great surges; the road gradually became more and more flooded; the wipers scooshed resolutely and we found ourselves first in Inveraray, then on the road down to Strachur, which was possibly the worst. The rain battered on the car roof, the left-side wheels were in huge puddles all the way, and I filmed out of the front windscreen just in case I forgot how awful it was. 

We made it home for a late, late lunch consisting of an espresso coffee, followed by two mugs of tea and a slice of toast with chocolate spread while we debriefed on the previous day. By now it was becoming lighter outside, and about 4pm we realised it was sunny and the forecast optimistic and ...

What do you think? We went for a walk, leaving cases unpacked an quite a confusion of stuff needing dealt with, though Himself had managed to sort out some last minute information that had come through about our upcoming holiday. But we needed to stretch our legs and straighten our backs and stop thinking and talking and socialising and just ... be. That's when I took the photo, from the road down to Toward lighthouse, as the sun shone on the golden grass where the black horse and the wee white one live. We walked for only a couple of miles, but felt more able to deal with the mess and the cooking and consumption of a decent meal when we got home.

I was glad to see that today's edition of The Scotsman carried a photo of +David and Sarah in an inner page ...

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