Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


Today has definitely been hectic. Dropped Little Man off at nursery, then mad dash to Woerden for my work reintegration. I spoke to the supervisor about finishing early because I wasn't able to get back to Oudewater to collect Little Man in time, if I finished when I normally do. He was understanding and let me leave 30 minutes earlier than I'd asked. I biked back to Oudewater, into the wind, which was hard work, but easier than last Tuesday as I wasn't rushing. I popped into the second-hand shop to look for arm bands for my boy (no success) but did find two pairs of trousers for him. He's really shooting up and needed more trousers.

After I collected Little Man, we came home, then popped out to get those arm bands. Hema had them! They also had some shirts on the sales rack, so Little Man got some new clothes!

We had a quiet afternoon, but after the busyness of the morning, I was tired! Little Man went to bed after kicking up a fuss (he was also very tired but didn't want to sleep).

When I was locking up the back door, I saw how beautiful the sky was and decided to take a photo. I love how beautiful the sunsets can be!

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