
By Dakers

Pat Sketches And I Snap

I drop off Pat at the Scottish Arts Club so she can join other members for a session of life drawing whilst I drive to the RBGE.

I have put together three photos for today. The main entry is of one of the entrance gates from Inverleith Row. The second photo shows the rather elegant street sign for Arboretum Place which is the entrance I normally use to enter the Gardens and the third photo is of layers of plants taken against the Beech Hedge.

After walking some 10,000 steps I then drove back to the SAC. Pat and I had arranged to have lunch with our friends Madge and Neil at the RBGE restaurant.

We met Madge and Neil on a cruise to Orkney and Shetland before I became a member of Blipfoto.

We had a good chat about various matters. Neil showed me a stair that he had altered from a sketch that I had given him to make a dangerous stair a safe stair. Neil is quite the carpenter.

The original stair had four steps of unequal size. Five steps of equal size has transformed using the stair.

Thereafter we drove home via The Buffalo Farm to collect an order Pat had made on their website. They have developed a range of gluten free pies etc. 

Pat is Coeliac and she was keen to review them. She will probably write something on the various gluten free Facebook sites she is a member of.

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