curns' corner

By curns

Polling Station

I didn't go into the office today. Just after 11:20 am, I walked Mum and Dad to the station for their train. I am hoping that tapping in and then out again within a few minutes won't incur a charge. We also had a long refinement session, which I hope we can progress on. As a product manager, it's simple when I write that up. On the other hand, the engineers have broken this down into many pieces of work, which all sound more complex.

At lunchtime, I walked to the Polling Station in the library and cast my vote. I think it was a tactical vote, but I can't be sure who I would have voted for if it had been a more even race here. As it turned out, it was a momentous day.

After work, I headed into town to meet Cornelia for drinks, which meant I didn't sit and watch the news from 10 pm when everybody only had predictions, and a couple of constituencies tried to be the first to declare. Not a lot is ever known at that point, but if I'd been in, I would have wasted time listening to ex-politicians pontificating.

Cornelia and I have missed a lot of our 'last Thursdays' this year, and this one was a postponement from last week. We managed to get an outside table down the side of The White Horse, which made a difference from standing at the front. 

After the pub closed, we spent time continuing our talk, which meant that by the time I arrived at Waterloo, I'd missed the last train. Luckily, the Northern Line ran later, and I got home via a tube to South Wimbledon and a connecting bus.

When I got back, PY was still watching general election coverage, which, by this point, was starting to see the results match the exit-poll Labour landslide prediction. I spent an hour flipping between the channels watching the latest but went to bed by 2 am as my eyes were closing.

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