
By TheOttawacker

A generally crappy and pissy day

A generally crappy and pissy day, during which I was in a generally crappy and pissy mood, snapping at those I hold dear and generally acting like a bear with a sore head.
Had a call from my stepmother who explained the fact that she never makes an effort to communicate by her having fallen while in Devon and fractured her arm and cracked two ribs. Other than that, and her other ongoing medical issues, it was a nice call.
Also had a call from Ottawacker Jr.’s doctor with the MRI results. Apparently, the MRI revealed that there is swelling in the bone marrow, which has been caused by a subcortical fracture, which may or may not be historical. There is an oedema there and she is going to make an ortho referral. I asked whether it as anything to be worried about and she said not. So, we will wait for the referral, which is again with CHEO, and take it from there.
Having made my peace with myself, I made it with the others, and prepared a pre-match steak wrap snack/meal for Ottawacker Jr. Also made a few enquiries about getting the tickets for a Benfica game while we will be in Portugal.
Made our way to Orlando Park for the big match – and finally things started clicking into gear. Ottawacker Jr. had a very good game, showing no signs of his newly diagnosed subcortical fracture, and OISC won 5-0 – biggest win of the season. I put it down to the warm-up I gave him. He disagrees. Home. Bed.

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