
By Farmerboab

Parallel Lines .....

A bit of a heavy dew and an autumnal chill first thing,but it eventually warmed up. Headed off to bale spring barley straw on the farm we get some from. It's about 10 miles away ,and by the time I had spent half an hour bouncing over all the pot holes in Midlothian's roads my back was about knackered before I even started.
Any way, needs must ,so strapped up with my back belt and doped up to the eyeballs with the pain killers from the Dr, I managed to catch up with the combine. The stuff just cut was too raw to bale ,so was home by 7.30. Hopefully will get the rest baled tomorrow.
Kev was home with his third load by 8.30 and it was starting to get dark.
Aye, the nights are fair drawing in ......

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