Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

Neil's 40th Birthday

I walked down to the village this afternoon for food shopping and to collect a parcel.  The weather was really warm and sunny.  Very pleasant.  Met my next door neighbour Debs in the back lane and we had a nice catch up.  While we were chatting I was throwing a ball for her spaniel Riley.  He's a lovely friendly dog.

Then I got a bus to the Metrocentre and another bus to where Neill and Rachael live.  I wanted to see Neil today as its his 40th birthday.

His birth was a planned caesarean so the date was no surprise.  The surgeon had a bit of bother getting Neil out and he was rather distressed ( and a bit battered and bruised ) so he was placed in an incubator in the Special Care Baby Unit for a while.  So I didn't see him straight away ... but I was given a polaroid photo... See Extra.  I was so relieved when I finally held him in my arms.  Neil always wishes me a " Happy Giving Birth Day " as he thinks his birthday is a special day for me too.

I got to Neil's house around 4.15pm.  Neil and Rachael weren't at home - they were having a day out in Durham but I was OK keeping Luna company till they got home around 5.30pm.  I gave Neil his birthday card and some cash in a money wallet - as shown in my blip.  Typical Neil said why didn't I just put the cash inside the birthday card and then I wouldn't have had to buy a money wallet. ( but Neil - I liked the money wallet! )

Neil had some birthday cupcakes with different sporting toppers - I chose the football one - see Extra.  Neil is also on the photo with his cupcake complete with birthday candle.  He did make a wish.

I left at 7.15pm and  Neil walked me to the bus station. I got a bus to the Metrocentre and then it was a long wait for a bus home.  Finally got indoors around 8.50pm.

My nieces husband Kyle has set off on the Ultra Trail Mont Blanc. It was a staggered start and his start time was around 6pm.  Im tracking him on the app and so far he has reached checkpoint 5.  The race is 106 miles long  with a total elevation of 32,940 ft.  His predicted finish time is 3.29pm.... on Sunday. ( this time changes regularly to match up with his progress ).  The cut off time is 46 hrs 30 mins so hopefully he will finish well before then. His training has gone well.  He's very fit considering it was his 50th birthday a couple of days ago.

Steps today - 9,247

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