Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


This is one of the wooden items I found on Tuesday for a possible Tiny Tuesday blip.  In the end I blipped something else but decided that this wooden eggcup was " blipworthy " - especially with Paris being in the news as the venue for the Olympics and Paralympics.  I bought this souvenir eggcup in Paris in around 1976.  I was on a day trip to the city.  My holiday base was Ostend in Belgium and the coach tour included a day trip to Paris.  I was with my youngest brother - he would be about 12 yrs old at the time.

I've had a lazy day at home today.  Did a few necessary chores.  And I had a bit of a sort out of some shoes.  One of my shoe racks had broken..... one of the legs gave way.  So I detached all 4 bottom legs and its fine now - with one less shelf for shoes.  So as I had excess shoes I looked through them all to decide which ones I didn't want any more.  Some were getting old and battered, some I just didn't like any more so Ive got rid of 7 pairs.  Some in the bin, some in a charity bag.

The weather today has been warm and dry but dull. 

News from the Ultra Trail Mont Blanc.... unfortunately Kyle had to withdraw from the event after running for around 18½ hours. He managed to do 83km ( 51½ miles ) before he had to quit due to exhaustion.  He's obviously disappointed but there's no shame in having to stop if you physically can't go on... and to do over 50 miles is quite an achievement anyway.  I've added a collage of some of his photos  as an Extra.

Steps today - 3,297

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