Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Kestrel and Catch

Had a great morning, revisiting the land where the stags weren't yesterday!  While I wasn't expecting to find anything else, as I walked into the field the first thing I saw was this kestrel with its catch.  I managed to get three shots off before it flew off, chased by a magpie that had been waiting at the foot of the post.  The magpie pestered the kestrel mercilessly as it flew away, trying to get it to drop the mouse.

After that initial encounter I found myself at the edge of an area with three mature red deer stags.  The newest was perhaps 30 metres away, lying in the long grass, seemingly ignorant of my arrival.  It took a few minutes before he started to move, by which time I'd had the stare!  I took a few photos, including this in extras before heading off to the supermarket.

On my way back I checked in again and noticed that my photographic friend 's car was nearby.  I stopped again and walked around to where he was shooting.  We had a good chat, while continuing to photograph the deer.

Later L and I headed to Weston Park where a new exhibition titled 'Horses in Art' is taking place.  It just so happened to be the opening day and so we hung around for the speeches and free wine!  If you're interested in horses it is well worth a visit if you are local.

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