Day 11: At sea

Hi everyone!

Today, we were at sea. I got up at about 11:30 to a parent-less room again. Woke Craig up, and we went for breakfast. I had half a waffle, French toast, peach pancake, scrambled egg, and a doughnut, with whipped cream and strawberry sauce! It was delicious! Went to the living room after that. Did a couple of activities that I can't remember. We were supposed to play wink murder at 3, which I was really looking forward to, but it was cancelled due to lack of people. We did a quiz where we we had to guess what movies some lines were from. It wasn't very good.

We had the crew scavenger hunt after that, where we had to go around finding certain crew members (A nurse, bartender, etc), and ask for their name, nationality, and signature. I was with Brittany, Craig, Kerry and one of the twins. The twin had disappeared after a couple of minutes, and Kerry quit after we had to go down to deck 1 to find a nurse. I got separated from Craig and Brittany right at the end, but I found them, along with Kerry, back at the living room, and we won! We got $10 dollars worth of arcade credits! I won 175 tickets on some of the machines, and played guitar hero for the first time, which I was ok at. I got a mini shoe keyring, but the machine stole the rest of the 75 credits! The prizes were pretty crappy, but still.....

After that, back at the living room, things were getting a bit wild. The manager came in and talked to everyone about arguments and fights that had been going on, and basically said we were all on our final warnings (I've done nothing wrong, obviously!). Went to dinner next - nothing that special. At 8, I went to the teen dinner, and had mashed potato and a turkey burger (well, a bite - it was disgusting!), in addition to the three course meal I had earlier. I was at a table with Brittany, John, Craig, and Jessica. Everyone else was wild and annoying, but we were good!

Went back to the living room, then after an hour and a bit, the brought more food in - pizza, chicken strips, and fruit. I helped tidy up some of the inevitable mess, and Jessica called me one of the nicest people she's ever met! Later, Brittany, Craig and I went up to 15-17 mini golf. We were the only people there. It was fun, but it didn't last very long. At 11, we went up to the 12-14 mini golf and played the first hole, then just stood around talking to Jessica (We're sort-of the 'teachers pet'!). When we got back to the living room, we got a gold medal each, for winning the golf, and for being 'The nice ones'. After that, we just talked for ages, then got back about 12:45. Another good day, but it's almost time to go home! :(

Steven :)

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