Day 12: Docked at Cadiz

Hi everyone!

Today, we were docked for the last time in Cadiz. We were woken by the blaring emergency siren at about 9:30. Me and Craig panicked because we thought it was real. Turns out it was only a drill! We hadn't heard the announcement before it happened. Oops! My dad was missing, so we went to breakfast. Mum thought he was at the gym. We met him just as we were leaving the windjammer. Turns out, he had already been off the ship! Me and Craig just pottered around for a few hours. We met a few people, including Brittany, Megan, Hannah and the twins. Craig had to get a new card, because it stopped working with the door. We suspect that he left it next to his iPad, and the signals deactivated it (I heard it from one of my friends).

At 4, we had arts and crafts. I got a pillow case with a design on it I had to colour in. It was actually really fun! After that, I went around and got a few people to sign it. We were supposed to play something called Rebus at 5 (still don't know what it is), but it never happened.

It was formal night tonight, so I got my fancy shirt and trousers on! We got a few pictures taken, and dinner was actually quite nice. After that, Craig and I went back to the room to get changed for our 'dressy scavenger hunt' at 8.

When it came, I was on a team with Craig (of course), Brittany, Megan, Kerry, and one of the twins (Can't remember which one). It involved one person having to dress up in a lot of clothes from a list. Brittany volunteered, and we won! I got another bag. We all went to get a celebratory cookie and drink. We got back to the living room just after 9, and nothing was going on, but there were a lot of people.

At 10, we had battle of the sexes. I was with Craig, John, Jason and Nathan, although a couple of others had helped us come up with questions before it started. We only got one and a half points for the girls questions, but they didn't get any of ours right! It was about where 2 footballers were from, what colour hats Japanese kids wear to school, Who won series 7 of robot wars, how many original Pokemon were there and what colour road signs are in Maui. We didn't get any of the girls physical challenges, but they got one of ours (holding your breath for1 minute, which I did), so even though we didn't get any physical, we still won! Come to think of it, we didn't get any prizes...

Next up was the glow in the dark party. It was supposed to be for the 12-14 year olds, but Brittany and I have sort-of been rejected by our age group, so we talked to Jessica, and she said we could go with them, which is great, because that's where most of our friends are/were. It was actually really good! I checked Facebook on the only working computer in the club, and I'd got a message from Declan saying he was bored and missed me (Craig got a similar message), which I thought was really nice! Truth be told, I'm missing him too, and my family, and wifi! By the end of the party, only Me, Craig, Clarine, Brittany and John were left!

After that, we went to the living room for a few minutes, then up to the sports court for dodgeball (It was past midnight by this time). I noticed John was standing outside the actual court, talking to Jessica and Laura - the manager of the teen club. I went over to see if he was ok. He had two massive bruises on the side of his torso. Turns out, a couple of the boys had thrown food -chicken wings with bones in - at him earlier on.

Then, we all started speaking out about what they'd done. Brittany had been made fun of for her accent and what she calls some things (I.e, she calls Flip-flops thongs), and Clarine had been made fun of for her last name, which sounds like 'beans'. I mentioned that one of the boys had hit me with one of the glow sticks when he was walking out of the club, and that one of the boys was constantly telling us to f*** off, and always being extremely annoying, and even dangerous at times.

We waited a few minutes, then walked back down to the living room where another manager, and several security staff were waiting. The man that I presume is some sort of manager told us it was good that we came forward, and reminded us that the behaviour some of them have been doing is unacceptable. He even gave us his room phone number, and told us to call him if any of them do anything to any of us. Security took John back to his room, and they went out looking for the three boys. Clarine left as well, leaving Me, Craig and Brittany with Jessica and two other members of staff. Eventually, two of the boys arrived with security, and Laura called their parents.

We thought we were supposed to stay, but it was getting quite close to curfew, so we asked Jessica, and she said that we could've left anytime! We were just about to leave when someone's Dad came in. He got led through one of the doors that led to a corridor. We left after that, so I don't know what happened to them, or if they found the third guy, but all three have been banned from the club for the rest of the cruise. I feel really proud of all 5 of us (Although to be honest, Craig didn't really do or say anything), for finally standing up and saying enough is enough. I don't know what will happen to tomorrow, but I'm ready for whatever they want to throw at me. I'm at least 3 years older than them all, so I know I could take them if I had to. Jessica called us the nice group of kids (along with Megan and Kerry) who she really likes!

Got back to the room just before 1. The clocks went back at 2, but I changed it anyway. A very eventful day overall. I'm really gonna miss some people when it's time to go! Only 2 days left! :(

Steven :)

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