River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: Nuts

At 5:30am the owls were hooting - haven’t heard them for such a long time, lovely way to start the day! :-)

Wind from the East, very chilly but bright sunshine too … after breakfast I finished clearing the top path, mostly cutting back Japanese anemone foliage - they are still flowering and the insects love them, so letting them be until they keel over!

Homemade soup for lunch (from my stock in the freezer) watched Welsh arts/music programmes this afternoon, made curry for tea.

Found a few more seedlings which needed potting on: Eryngium planum, Chrysanthemum “Rainbow Hippy Lovechild” which came in the multipack from https://higgledygarden.com - they’re now in a pot of mixed flowers, fingers crossed they’ll flower before the nights start getting cold :-((

Today’s Blip photo is of the first nuts on the Twisted Hazel tree, I thought there weren’t any nuts this year but the wind blew a branch this morning and there they were! :-)

MrD had a day in the mountains on his motorbike.

Loads of love and hugs to all my family / Cariad Mawr
Nos da pawb / Goodnight all XXXX XXX XX

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