Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee


Is that what they are called? ..... I am sure it is.
The frond was lying on the slice of wood in the back garden when I went to get some flower pictures in the sun first thing this morning (Yes! We had some sun today). The other pictures are Here.

I made a couple of bowls today from a chunk of the Japanese Larch from the garden. 
It is a very light (in weight) wood, but My Lord it tears. This results in a lot of sanding ... which I hate.
What I hate even more is when you are just finishing and the damned thing takes off and bounces around a bit resulting on dents and chips .... and more damned sanding!

This afternoon we had a quick run to the shops and then we stopped off to see Bags - just a social call.
She is changing jobs in November after being head-hunted and she was telling us about how her present company are working hard to try and keep her. Not surprising .... she is really hard working and takes on too much stuff that is not in her remit.
She isn't go to stay though.

There were no clouds this evening so the hoped for sunset never materialised ..... but there was a super gloaming. (in the extras).

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