
By Wildwood

Urban Mural

The 'Arts District' is fairly humble but lives up to its name by creating some good murals on buildings nearby. I couldn't find any information about who painted this one but is is beautifully done. I'm not sure what the message is, but it's intriguing. I'm wondering if it refers to some book. 

We went to the Farmers' Market this morning and, as usual, got more food than we'll be able to eat. The bakery lady wasn't there which was probably just as well as her baked goods are deliciously loaded with butter and sugar. I was so busy scouting all the stalls that I forgot to take a picture although there are always plenty of opportunities on offer. We got a very bizarre looking heirloom tomato, which a patron standing next to us assured us was the best tomato he'd ever tasted, a perfect eggplant and some artisan goat's cheese. In addition we got John a very good wide brimmed hat woven by African women. At first he wanted nothing to do with them, but I persuaded him to try it on and he never took it off! It will be a much better hat for the garden than a baseball cap!

I got back on the Peloton after a long hiatus and decided to go with 'just ride' for 30 minutes. No scenic tours of Scottish lochs, no soothing words from the ex Buddhist monk and nobody telling me when to up the cadence and/or the resistance.  I did however, listen to old YouTube recordings of Billy Connolly who never fails to crack me up no matter what he's going on about. How can anybody be so graphically funny about a colonoscopy?

It's Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end of summer. The kids have been back in school for a couple of weeks and it is a respite from the heat when the thermometer tops out at 85F. so it really doesn't feel like the end of summer at all. It is also a bit of a respite from dealing with insurance people since they will all be taking the long weekend off.  If they don't come up with something by next week, I think I'll be looking for an new insurance agent. It's not a great time for making changes as most of the people in rural ZIP codes have also been cancelled, but I think it might help to find somebody more local. 

I missed the chance to get a shot of our flock of turkeys checking out the grapes in a micro-vineyard in a yard down the street. They really do stick together and travel everywhere in a flock. Their plumage, usually rather drab looking, is quite beautifully iridescent in the sun, but the sun doesn't do a thing for their tiny heads and bizarre looking wattles....

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