
By Wildwood

Summer's Last Hurrah least at Spring Lake. Following the busy Labor Day weekend they will close the swimming lagoon to people, remove the inflatable waterpark and open the lagoon for dogs and their people for a couple of weekends.I was amused by this sight as we made our way back to the car after walking around the lake.

There is never a shortage of things to photograph at Spring Lake and today it was the people who caught my eye...a boy and his father fishing off the end of the boat dock, a very small person running along between her mother and grandmother, and a man walking along singing loudly, accompanied by music only he could hear through his ear buds. 
Another small person sitting in a stroller looked rather uncomfortable and I realized that it was more like a wagon, there was a dog behind her and she had nothing to lean back against. We saw several deer staring quite intently at us without moving away, and, as we made our way back to the parking lot, lots of families claiming their picnic spots and unloading everything from tents to coolers from their cars. 

And, as a grand finale, I just saw two fire trucks going up Los Alamos 
road sirens blasting. A check with my trusty 'Watch Duty' app informs me that it is another vegetation fire called, appropriately enough, the Alamos fire. More trucks are following and I think I need to go as I can hear still more sirens coming this way. The helicopters will be next....

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