Living my dream

By Mima

Accurate morning warning

It was calm, warm and beautiful at dawn (7am) as illustrated by this shot of sunrise taken through the truck door.
But as the atmospheric isobars narrowed, the winds from across the Tasman Sea picked up, there were warnings of possible damage to structures and trees all over the weather forecast pages.

By midday we were in the grip of a massive gale from the northwest. And 20C, thank you Australia.

It is 3.30pm as I Blip and while the wind has eased from its height, there are predications of worse to come overnight. 

We had our walk at 9am, before the weather arrived. I then grabbed some brunch and planned to get into the garden to continue the kneeling weeding marathon, but the wind had picked up by then and I beat a hasty retreat indoors, safe from possible flying branches. Bean was on my heels. Despite the sun outdoors she prefers calmer conditions in which to bask.

So we have been in the truck (conveniently in the lee of the hill) enjoying a warm but indoors day. Reading, making crackers (they are going fast at the moment thanks to the amount of cheese to be eaten), snoozing (even I passed out for an hour: Bean much longer), and listening to an audio book.

If it wasn't for the blasting wind outside I'd be enjoying the day off. It always puts me slightly on edge, as my imagination works overtime and I picture roofs flying off, trees falling down and general destructive mayhem. 

Mind you, the winds we experience here in North Otago are nothing like as wild as those which I saw (and heard) in Oxford, which lies in a wind tunnel at the foot of the Southern Alps. I am thankful for the relative shelter Chez Mima.

This is typical spring weather, to herald the first day of that season.

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