mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis

Not your typical dentist shot...

I had to go to the dentist today. I couldn't ignore the fact that a back tooth was really hurting when I tried to chew the last few days and had resulted in my face swelling up in that area..
The dentist confirmed my fears - it was an abscess and would need antibiotics to sort out. Thankfully he gave me Amoxicillin which you can have a glass of wine with (anaesthetic don't you know) and not that other one - beginning with M which you can't drink with (if you can't eat, it's nice to drown your sorrows - right?).

Anyway, you're probably flummoxed (great word) why there is a picture of Mohammed Ali as my blip? No? Not at all curious? Really? What's wrong with you lot?!!

For those that are, this picture is on the ceiling of my dentist's room above the chair so it acts as a rather wonderful distraction to the torture (sorry, gentle handling) that the dentist is performing. (There's a picture of Mickey Mouse for the kids.)
Wasn't Mohammed Ali a fine specimen of athleticism in his prime.. Oh, and note to dentist.. Get a fan for your room - I felt a little warm..!!!! ;-)

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