
By Daenu

Music theatre by the lake

In the small, neighbouring village of Berlingen we visited the music theatre about the life of Adolf Dietrich (1877-1957) and our expectations were more than exceeded. Adolf Dietrich was a small farmer, railway and forestry worker (as his parents did not allow him to train as a lithographer). But he wanted nothing more than to be a painter. As he had to work six days a week, he only had Sundays for his painting. Most of his paintings were created on cardboard, later on using wood. 

For most of his life he was very poor and could barely keep his head above water. Anyone who helped him occasionally received a painting as compensation. The reward came much later, when the paintings increased enormously in value. 

A small stage was built for the theatre right by the lake and next to his home. The theatre crew put on a gripping play with the help of local amateur actors. All performances are sold out. 

In the blip: Acrobatics and music during the interval. 

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