
By JennyOwen

A quiet day

We began the day with a quick visit to Ruth and Josh's, to wish Luca a happy fifth birthday - this being the actual day. After his very difficult start in life, it's always wonderful to see him flourishing now, at every birthday.  He'll start full-time school on Tuesday: another huge milestone.
Otherwise... I've caught up with photo downloads, washing, car-decluttering, emails and so on. It's been peaceful. A good thing, as a busy week is shaping up.
With autumn palpably on the horizon, the quinces are developing nicely. Very tactile, quince trees: those leathery leaves and furry fruits.  In this year of chilly spring and early summer months, it's the fruit that's done best in the garden, though the mulberries, currants and blueberries haven't been far behind.

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