
By JennyOwen

Seeing double

A rather hasty double exposure in the garden, for this week's MM challenge (thanks for hosting, Carolina).
I thought that the gastric bug I started with last Weds night had cleared up. But now I understand what was happening to Frieda last week: bright, happy mornings and then stomach pain building up during the afternoon. The nurse she saw last week diagnosed this as stomach sensitivity left over from the main infection. You feel hungry and well enough to eat, but then you get pain later. Ho hum. With luck it'll sort itself out properly soon.
Walking round the garden was a pleasure though, and I found that the first fig of the season was beautifully ripe. It's in the fridge now, all being well I'll eat it tomorrow. There are plenty more on the tree, but it'll take some really warm September weather to get them to ripen. Fingers crossed.
I saw a BBC headline, today, reporting that the govt is finally halting some arms exports to Israel. Probably too little, too late, though I welcome it all the same. Maybe the general strike that's taking place in Israel itself will have more effect.

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