
By WharfedaleBex


So, first epic was customs unhooking all the fabric coverings on the van ceiling, leaving gaping holes, which made them very hard to put back. I told them my cousin used to work in customs and she wouldn’t be impressed. I fumbled around stretching them back into place but there were still some gaping holes around the roof lights where they’d searched.

Next thing, I realised I’d walked on to the ferry and left the van behind. There were a couple of other people who had done the same thing so at least I wasn’t alone. I’m not sure how I was quite so distracted but at least I was on the case. I marched down the steps and back off onto land and found a couple of guys in port uniforms to help. There were about six vans in total and I searched for mine. Where was it? Luckily, after looking round for a few minutes, I ever so slowly woke up to a solid metal roof and realised what was going on.

So, back to reality - it was lucky I set three alarms because I forgot to switch one of them on. On the other hand, it didn’t really matter because I woke up half an hour before any of them were ready to wake me up.

Plenty of time to unhook, have my first breakfast and a hot drink before driving to Poole port in time for sunrise. It was pretty quiet when I rocked up, no customs check and remembered to drive onto the ferry not walk!

The Brittany ticket office person said well done and added another ‘brave’ to my collection and a ‘good for you.’ Let’s hope I don’t actually need bravery :D

It was a very calm crossing and I sat outside for a couple of hours doing exactly the same as these two (who I thought looked like they should be on a film set), just with a bit more shelter. There was some horrible coughing going on in the seating area indoors so I happily sat with multiple layers on and my hoody up, hoping I exited in time.

With two SatNavs set up, I left the ship at Cherbourg in a big convoy of campers for a while before it suddenly went very quiet and I had a lovely, uneventful drive to my first camp spot.

Spoke my attempt at French! Owner seemed to think it was acceptable but I’m struggling to say the sentences I want to come out with and he empathised when I told him I could speak a little but understanding was a lot harder.

Had a simple tea of fish and rice - maybe get to the supermarket tomorrow or Tuesday.  Time to chill - and sleep is not far away!

Should I class this as Day 3 of my hols? I’m thinking so!

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