
By LifeLines

Black Beauty

We drove back late yesterday evening from the wedding in Warwickshire (see yesterday’s Blip), so we’ve had a relaxing day. Merlin was thrilled to be home after being in kennels and has been lounging around in his favourite spots in the house and garden, and was particularly excited to run in the meadow.

I sowed some carrots, winter spinach and salad leaves, then walked to the allotment where you’d have thought I’d been away for days from the amount of growth. The best thing was to find this aubergine (Black Beauty) ready to pick. I’m especially pleased it’s grown as it’s not been in a greenhouse and we’ve had quite a cool summer. Today however it was 28 degrees and at points accompanied with 80% humidity which was pleasantly warm but made it hard work to be very active. Hoping you’ve had a good weekend.

- Merlin got on fine in the kennels and enjoyed his treat of doggie ice cream when he got home.
- To catch up briefly with family after yesterday’s big day.
- To have time to pop to the allotment and to pick this shining aubergine.

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