curns' corner

By curns

Sunshine wine

The wind speed was slightly lower than yesterday, but not by much. We retraced many of yesterday's steps: to the Co-op for a meal deal (for the end-of-day train to London) and back out along the seafront, watching people trying to shelter from the wind while sitting on beach chairs.

Days spent packing up to leave the Island can sometimes seem wasted, even though we are cleaning and organising the flat. Early afternoon, we decided to have a quick drink at The Harbour House overlooking the marina. It always offers a nice view. I snapped a picture of my wine halfway through our 90-minute enjoyment of the drink and sunshine. There's a boat flying a Cornish flag in the background. It was low tide, and the boats couldn’t go anywhere. It was a lovely way to end the weekend.

We took an earlier-than-usual ferry and train back to Raynes Park, meaning we were home by 8 pm.

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