
By Nettenet

The boys are back in town

Sim was on a spare day, where he can get called in.  O goes to nursery on a Monday now.  My suggestion months ago so I could have a day with Hugo and then look after both on a Tuesday.  H also had a settling in afternoon at the nursery today.

I went over late morning and Bex also came. We had a couple of hours of playing with H and catching up with Sim.  Rebecca and I took H to nursery and then visited The Packhouse for a wander and a drink.  A couple of hours later we returned to pick both boys up.  O was surprised to see me but delighted I think.  He had a bump at nursery with another little boy and a musical instrument.

We stopped to get an ice lolly before heading to the park for a play.  Then I dropped the boys home.  

I do miss them when I haven’t seen them for a while and tomorrow I HAVE to go into school for an inset day so I won’t see them again until next week.

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