Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Another bit of the recce

After the rain stopped this morning, I went out in the mist to find the part of the route I missed on Friday.  Fortunately I stopped to talk to a dog walker, who was able to tell me that the finger post had long since fallen down. She invited me to park by her cottage and then showed me how to access the route.

The next section had been ploughed over and the footpath had not been reinstated.


It's a much shorter section of ploughed field than we encountered last week, but now wet. My boots felt twice their normal weight as I left the field. Very, very clarty. Fortunately, there is long, wet grass to walk through after the field, so that should help on Wednesday.

This afternoon, I visited Maureen. She is very tired and had been unable to eat the lunch she was given. One of the carers found her a Mars bar to try to keep up her strength.

Brian had said what he wanted for his funeral, which will make life easier. He will be cremated and then we will go to the Comrades Club in Haltwhistle to share memories. I am to be the MC. 

I am away next week and not available for part of the following week, then away for 10 days. Maureen hopes to get a date when I am available.

I did a small food shop. I am still buying too much food and having to waste some by the end of the week. Hopefully I will get the hang of shopping for one quite soon!

People are beginning to see the images from Bellingham Show on Facebook and tagging each other. I love it when that happens.

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