
By McCaviti


Hi there

McCaviti here! I’m hosting Tiny Tuesday in September.  This week’s theme is mineral/crystal (tag with #TT484).  The inspiration, like  my journal’s title (an oblique reference to William Blake’s Auguries of Innocence), is  the opening line “To see a world in a grain of sand”. 

... And also, my husband’s collection of mineral specimens and crystals, providing plenty of fodder for my own macro photography. 

Here’s  a crocoite, mineral emblem of my birthplace, Tasmania, on the pages of the wonderful book Crocoite by Margaret Woodward, from the series Lost Rocks. (which I was lucky enough to purchase a complete set of)

So share a pic of your crystalline inspiration, be it pebble, rock, fossil, shell, gemstone, coprolite, snowflake …

The other themes for Tiny Tuesday can be found here  Results will be posted Saturday.

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