
By WharfedaleBex

Vannes in the van

Skipped a stop today to head further south away from stormy weather. This’ll do the trick, hopefully.

I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t have any tolls today as I was looking forward to seeing if the electronic tag worked. Next stop maybe!

I was pleased at my two SatNavs, however. One speaks very clearly and shows good pictures whilst the other knows my van dimensions and keeps me out of trouble - but only speaks when the music is on. I had to bring in Google today and the human then had to arbitrate over who they thought was correct after the reliable one took me off the main road saying it was shut. I needed a stop anyway and it worked out just fine.

Drove through rain and arrived in sunshine in time for a lovely walk on a little peninsula with a sea swimming pool (on the right). Looked inviting.

I think it’s time for tea. And I’ve been to the supermarket… Variety!

PS Don’t tell Rich but I’ve bought a set of pétanque balls for us both (his for his birthday) and I’ve just been practising on the empty grass pitch opposite. I encountered the curiosity of an older Frenchman who very patiently had a conversation with me in French. I had to say a few times I didn’t understand but he kept at it and I understood quite a lot in the end and found enough of the words I wanted to be able to get over at least some of what I was trying to say! He was trying to encourage me to play on the pétanque terrain but it’s full of very good players - he told me at least my way, I always win! :D

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