A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Ready for off!

Another grey start as in the picture from Bath above, though that does look rather damp, but the sun came out and it’s been a bright and breezy day. A coolness in the air but all my towels have dried on the line and it’s been all round rather pleasant, especially after yesterday.

This classic picture arrived via What’s App this morning as Eda returned to school, starting in Yr 2 and moving from Apple class to Hazel class, so a change for her. As always she has a cuddly toy with her for the journey which will be in the back if daddy’s bike.
Jude is still at nursery but she is moving into Pre-school instead of ‘Rising Threes’.
She is 4 in just over two weeks, it does seem a long time for her to have to wait another full year before starting school. 
The picture made me smile as Jude loves that jacket, I think it’s probably something like 12-18 months in size! She won’t give it up.

Pilates today and after my friend and I walked to Woodbank Garden Centre for lunch. It gained a bad reputation a few years ago for both the food quality and long waits for service. 
We changed to Stephen Smith's at the other end of the village. The reverse has happened now. Tong Garden Centre took over Stephen Smith’s and, after the chef left, the cafe has gone down hill. Chris and I sometimes have a coffee at Woodbank and we saw some singing friends there a couple of weeks ago. They said the food was excellent and the wait minimal so we decided to give it a try today. We had a very tasty lunch, good and friendly service with very little waiting.  It’s amazing how things change.
Another bonus is it’s a pleasant walk there and back!

Hope the girls had a good day and the weather in Bath improved for them as it did here.

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