What I've Done

By JohnGravett

Langental Valley

Thank you all for your kind comments on yesterdays picture. 

We started today with a trip up the Interceptes gondola, which took us to Jimmy's Hut, and the start of the Dolomitehohenweg. That involved a steep climb over barren land (4th extra) up to the Puez hut at 2475m - where we had a wonderful beef goulash soup and a beer, before returning across the Plan de Dusac, and down the Langental Valley. (Main pic, plus first three extras) If you look closely on the main pic, at the end of the valley, you'll see Selva, where we had to walk to. We knew it was a fair walk, which ended up another 15 miler, so tomorrow has to be a gentle day. 

I did think parts of the valley reminded me of Yosemite National Park (without the long flight)

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