Choose Joy

By Energia


The day began with a band playing by the conference entrance. Tonight there was a dinner at a fancy country club with drummers and fire dancers. 

We registered for the conference yesterday when we attended the masterclass so I had my lanyard and entrance pass and thought I could avoid the line. I found the front, I got in the short line. A woman checking people called me sir. Big deal, happens a lot. I took off my hat and put my stuff down for security to check it and she stared at me, shocked! She was so clearly shocked that I wondered if I had done something wrong. I was perfectly pleasant, I was very confused by her being so shocked. 

Then I found out it was a gendered line. I was in the correct line, the line for women, but she must have thought I was a man and then been completely stunned. I guess with my pants suit, my hat, the mask…

Today was fascinating too and I learned/realized something key to why Namibia can successfully sell green hydrogen. They don’t have to compete with natural gas. They don’t have to compete with hydrogen made from fossil fuels and inherently less expensive. There is a market. Europe. Europe thinks climate change is real. Europe thinks climate change is an emergency. Europe is acting accordingly. Europe is going to ban or tax anything with emissions. Europe, esp Germany, is going to use green hydrogen. Namibia only has to compete against other green hydrogen producers. 

Honestly, I felt a little stupid at not realizing it before. 

But I am an American and we don’t all think climate change is real and we don’t think we should pay more for anything just to save life on the planet. 

I see headlines about Ukraine’s invasion failing to distract Russia AND I see headlines about Russia pulling troops from Ukraine to focus them on Kursk. Do some of these journalists read the news?

Ireland and Ukraine signed an MOU that includes things like working together to demine Ukraine and cybersecurity. Zelensky also thanked the Irish people for their help.

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo pledged her support to Ukraine.
Romania is going to donate a Patriot air defense system to Ukraine. 
Russia can now import beer from North Korea. Russia exported prized horses and 400 goats to North Korea. 

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