Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

You Were Warned

I warned you I'd likely be posting a lot of hummingbird pictures for the next week or so - I can't resist.  And I need to get my hummie fix now before they are all gone for the winter.  At the least, I will try to keep things interesting with different flowers, poses, etc.  I went with a slower shutter speed again on this one and was very pleased with the way the wings came out - a nice combo of blur and detail.  And having him feeding on the phlox was a nice change of pace.  

Hubs and I went to the ortho today and he will now be starting PT, first appointment already scheduled for this Thursday.  Neither of us particularly liked the ortho (I'm sure he's a fine doctor, just didn't care for him) so if the PT fails to get results we will consult a different ortho.  But PT seems like the right approach since the scans didn't show any issues with the spine or bones.  

After we got back from the doc, we had lunch and then I made a trip into town to do some grocery shopping.  Hubs and I usually take turns shopping and cooking but he really can't stand or walk much without a lot of pain right now, so he's not allowed to shop or cook until he's better.  Then I will let him make it up to me - lol.

Jax is scheduled to have his teeth cleaned and a small growth removed from his mouth tomorrow.  It will be his first time having anything like this done, so I am (of course) nervous.  I will be glad when we get the call tomorrow saying he's okay, and the later call saying we can come and get him.  I canceled his day care on Thursday since I plan to keep a close eye on him for a day or two.  Good lord, I am so attached to this dog!


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