An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Scone in a jiffy...

It's been a lovely day! :-)

Slept better so was up earlier, which was helpful as Keith and Mairi were visiting in the afternoon for coffee and scones and I still had to make the scones! :-)

Actually I do enjoy making scones as it takes no time at all and it's not that messy.  They were still warm from the oven when Keith and Mairi arrived just after 2.30pm.

Had a lovely afternoon with them.  They brought me the most wonderful gift...a wooden chopping board that has my beloved Arria seared onto it.  She's my favourite Andy Scott sculpture.  I love her even more than the Kelpies :-)  What a kind and thoughtful gift.  I am really touched (pic in extras) 

Keith is so sad to have missed the Spanish golf trip this year but he has his flights booked for next year!  D texted while they were here and he's had a great day.  He's back in contention for the trophy so he's happy.  Took a selfie of the three of us and sent it to him.  Keith was keen to tell him it was worth being stuck at home so he could have one of my scones!  lol

Keith and Mairi left just before 6pm.  Had dinner, tidied up and spent a happy couple of hours crocheting the baby blanket.  It's almost finished.  I'm now onto the 4 rounds of the lovely vintage pink colour.  It's a beautiful contrast to the white.  Once the four rounds of pink are done I will do two final rows of white and that will be it complete.  I am going to crochet a second blanket, completely different from this one, and I'm looking forward to getting started on that. 

As I crocheted I stumbled upon a fabulous tv series on catch up about the NC500 coastal route in the Highlands.  Ended up watching all the episodes back to back.  It was fabulous.  Made me even prouder of my wee country, if that could be possible! :-)

Ele coming up tomorrow so we're being ladies-who-lunch.  I'm hoping the F&B paint samples I ordered might have arrived at hers.  I had to get them sent to her address as for some strange reason their website wouldn't accept mine!  Dulux didn't have that problem and their samples should be here tomorrow.  I'm excited to see them! :D 

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