A time for everything

By turnx3

Across the Ohio river to Kentucky

When we got up this morning, we realized that Music Live at Lunch was starting up again after the summer break, at Christ church Cathedral downtown, so with nothing in the diaries until 3pm, we decided to go. The music today was the Phil de Greg Trio, a jazz trio playing piano, clarinet and double bass. It was a fun concert, then afterwards, we had time for an hours walk along the Ohio River, where my blip was taken. As we walked, we could see they were busy taking down all the temporary fencing, barricades and booths set up for the huge firework event this last Sunday for Labor Day weekend. Our 3 pm appointment was for Roger to get his hearing aids adjusted up at Costco, to the north of where we live, and I had decided to get a new pair of prescription sunglasses. When I saw the optician a few weeks ago, he said there wasn’t much change in the prescription, so I’m continuing with my same regular glasses, but my sunglasses were an older prescription, and do need updating. While we were up that way I also popped in to Bath and Body works to get some more hand wash dispensers.
When we got back home I made some tea, and I took it outside in the sunshine, and read my book for a while before preparing dinner.

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