michigan man

By outdoorguy

Honey...on the Runny

I dropped Lisa off at work and took my usual drive in the country, staying on the gravel roads until I reached the national cemetery. I saw the usual suspects. Deer, horses, flowers, and sand-hill cranes.

After I got home, I loaded my old van with ALL of my pictures. and ALL of my wood pieces for the upcoming September 20-22 flea market. I also did a dry run putting up my new 10 x 10 canopy, but I still don't know where I'm going to display all my stuff.

Later, Lisa and I took turns watching grandson Beckett while mom Heather worked late, and son Jeff went to visit the dentist.

Now it's late (11:23) and your Blip posts are read,
now it's late and I'm off to bed.

Night night.

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