
By fitzbilly

Frustrated Artist

I wasn't sure what to use for the main blip today so have gone for my favourite from my Wide Wednesday 'door' shots. I liked the look of the door in the wall and then noticed two people walking towards it. So I grabbed a shot, but a schoolboy error had the Sony set on yesterday's f16 and outrageously high ISO. I've had to do a lot of exposure adjustment and other things to get it even looking like this. Not to everyone's taste I know but does look better large.

Last night's Photography For Artists presentation by blipper steveng was excellent by the way, and he described Fox Talbot as a frustrated artist. At our camera club meeting this week, in the 'meet the committee' bit that's exactly how I described my style. I'm sure Fox Talbot would have been proud of this shot. Or maybe not.

In the extra a more conventional image. Perhaps the guy in the doorway is another blipper getting his door shot.

We are out again this evening, three nights in a row for me, but Historical Society, Secret Cirencester which sounds interesting, and only a two minute walk  away for us. Last night we got the last parking space. I thought it was going to be standing room only at the talk but then saw there was a blood donor session going on in the same venue. Luckily we found the right room, and it was very well attended.

One year ago:

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