
By JennyOwen

Catch-up day

The first quiet day at home, minus the gut symptoms, since I got back on Saturday. Yay...!
Among other things, I edited some of last week's photos to put into a shared folder for us all (hoping that Jack and others will add to it). I've picked out a few favourites for today's collage. As the signs of autumn multiply, it's been good to revisit the images of a sunlit beach. Though I notice that three out of the four images I've picked are indoor ones; perhaps today's rather chilly temperatures sent me in that direction.
And otherwise, I've followed the publication - at last - of the Grenfell Report. There are some brief main points here:
It's shameful. I hope that now that we find ourselves in a new world of relatively sane policy discussions, from Labour government ministers - rather than the previous Conservative magical thinking - there will finally be action. But with nothing likely to come to court until 2027, apparently, it's unlikely that any of those responsible will really be held accountable.

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