
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 75/92
Main activity: Wed - graphics, errands, around the house
Notes: Awake 606a - think I slept thru 7 hours (hallelujah!). Body stiff and achy again tho so did the qigong and then yoga routine for an hour - has been quite awhile! Online and working a bit and then decided around 915a to run out. Went by the thrift store and they're now not opening until 10a - annoying. Headed to Aldi from there and got just a couple things - spinach/arugula mix, sprouted bread, mineral water and avocados. Dropped the stuff off and then headed back to thrift store, took a small bag of donations and found a couple things: crop pants, tank, small spoon, whisk and 2 mini Tupperware lids. Back and worked quite a bit more until walking to the pool at 1p - mostly cloudy tho and could hear people there and felt best to turn around. Back to work and then made food - seared sesame tuna filet (marinated in the morning) with sautéed avocado and egg over the spinach leaves, doused in EVOO, salt and coconut aminos - was very good! Work and shower afternoon, talked to Jo in evening, another big storm. Streamed shows and a headache was beginning again. Went to bed w/o watching anything.

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